Simple Singing Mindset Hack
Quickly quiet the negativity and give your voice some love with this one great trick the next time you practice.
We all have those inner voices that tell us all sorts of negative stuff.
I’m never gonna be good
I hate the sound of my voice
That sounds awful
Why am I even doing this…
UGH. I go through this, and sadly I meet a lot of singers who do too.
I call it ‘The Wall’ because it stops so many singers in their tracks or can make you not want to sing anymore – ever.
And so, we have to STOP this negative dialogue!
A lot of those negative seeds are planted here:
Most of us learn singing by imitation.
We listen to our favourite singers and then expect ourselves to sound exactly like them.
This is absolutely 100% impossible. So please hear it from me…
We (the audience) all want you to sound DIFFERENT!
And by different, I mean like YOU.
We (again, the audience) don’t want to hear somebody sing an imitation of an Adele song when we can just put on her album and listen to that.
We want to hear YOUR OWN interpretation and we want it to be different.
So let us hear YOUR voice – with its unique tones, colors, emotions and creativity.
I give you full permission to just be you and do your own darn thing!
Now, for my trick and way through this…
I’m on the ONE THING train because I want you to make progress, and progress often means one step at a time. Even the baby-est of baby steps can make a big difference when consistent.
So, the way through negative self-talk is this:
Next time you practice, try to think about one positive thing that you liked about your voice.
It could be:
-the way you heard yourself sing a single note
-a neat sound you made
-an emotion you felt
-the way you executed a run in your song
Whatever it is, hold onto that like it’s a sweet baby kitten. Don’t let go! Cuddle up to it for real!
Or at least write it down.
Having that visual is so helpful. Because before you know it you might even have a whole list.
And then let whatever else happen, and just sit in the feeling of enjoying something about your voice. What a concept!
To Re-Cap…from now on:
OUT with the inner critic and IN with thinking about 1 positive thing that you liked about your voice in practice
Ready to break ‘The Wall’?
Check out my Sing Out Loud course, where we tackle THE thing that holds MOST singers back:
The dreaded inner critic.
Here’s how it works:
👉 Lessons are delivered direct to your inbox for 5 Days and require only 15 minutes a day of active learning and singing. So no worries if you’re short on time!
👉 The first few days we get really comfy with singing technique, and then on Day 4 BOOM – that’s the real game-changer.
👉 The Day 4 lesson is called Overcoming The Wall.
It’s that spot where a lot of us get stuck. Where you start to hear your voice with new ears and begin to uncover aspects of your voice that you didn’t know were there (yay!) 🎉
Only to be knocked down by old stories and patterns of thinking and preconceptions about your voice (oof!) 😟
In Sing Out Loud, we face The Wall head on and boy do we break through it!!
👉 The BEST Part: I support you to learn to love and embrace your voice, all while laying down some pretty great singing technique.
Join Sing Out Loud HERE and fast track your journey to loving YOUR voice.
And just like that – Out with the inner critic and In with acceptance, motivation and JOY.
Quickly quiet the negativity and give your voice some love with this one great trick the next time you practice.
My tried-and-true approach to warming up will get you motivated to practice. Plus, you’ll work on your singing technique too!
Technique happens in your warm ups. When you warm up your voice, you naturally focus on breathing, agility, stamina, pitch, tone, resonance, etc. And then, when you go to your songs, hopefully a lot of this technique will start to fall into place and you don’t have to think about it so much!
My weekly newsletter is full of tips, tricks and singing resources to support you on your singing journey. Let’s be inbox friends!