Simple Singing Mindset Hack
Quickly quiet the negativity and give your voice some love with this one great trick the next time you practice.
Stuck, stalled or not sure where to begin with singing? This post is for you!
This is a zero-pressure list of ideas to get you singing or motivated to sing / make music.
No need to feel like you have to try them all. But also a gentle nudge to try AT LEAST 1, play around, and see what you discover!
10 Simple Things (that also happen to be fun or fun-adjacent 😉 )
1. Carve out 5 minutes a day to sing
Warm up to a track or hum your favourite tune. Need one? Check out my freebies. And shower practice totally counts!
2. Create a playlist of songs that get you inspired to move, sing or be active
Bonus points for sharing it with friends who could also use a boost of inspo
3. Find a like-minded buddy
If you can think of someone right now off the top of your head stop what you’re doing and send them a text / email / fax / note via carrier pigeon. Plan to get together weekly, monthly (or daily??) to jam together. Nothing beats the feeling of making music with other humans
4. Research a teacher or a choir you would love to work with / be a part of
Accountability is key to staying consistent with singing (and a lot of other life activities too!) So go ahead and find that special person or group so you can get EXCITED about singing and feeling connected to others
5. Follow a diverse mix of inspirational people on your social media
Surround yourself (virtually) with people that keep you inspired, motivated and in the creative flow. And while you’re at it, delete whatever makes you feel less-than because you are magical and perfect just as you are. So cut the noise and focus on content that makes you feel good and reminds you that you are AMAZING
6. Get outside – even for just a couple of minutes
Fill your body with Vitamin D, fresh air and inspiration – a wonderful way to regulate your nervous system and zen out! Bundle up if it’s cold and keep your throat warm and covered 😉
7. Stay curious and connect to your body
Get out of your head and focus on the sensations and vibrations that are happening in your body when you’re singing (especially if you notice those old bugaboos – judgement, perfectionism and expectation – creeping in)
8. Actively listen to new music
Expand your horizons and work on your ear by exposing yourself to sounds you don’t often hear, whether it be live in-person or at home, fireside (or heated blanket, magic bag, cuddly pet) with a cup of tea
9. Give yourself 1 technique to dig into for the next little while
Keep it simple and fun, and NOT overwhelming. You will feel so much more accomplished when you start to master ONE technique as opposed to trying to fix all of the things and getting stuck or stopping all together. *Need ideas? Hit me up!
10. Pick and sing songs YOU love and enjoy singing
Because without the joy, what’s the point?!
Out of all of these, which one resonates with you MOST / which one are you most excited to do?
Bonus 11th Thing: Take a course
Maybe all you need is a bit of structure and guidance from your friendly neighbourhood vocal coach (that’s me!).
If it’s technique you want to learn at your own pace, check out my course The Basics here.
Or perhaps you want to get out of your head and into your body more? My Sing Out Loud mini masterclass takes you through this process in less than 1 week. Enroll here.
If it’s 1:1 work you’d like to do, reach out here and I’ll send you more info on that.
Quickly quiet the negativity and give your voice some love with this one great trick the next time you practice.
My tried-and-true approach to warming up will get you motivated to practice. Plus, you’ll work on your singing technique too!
Technique happens in your warm ups. When you warm up your voice, you naturally focus on breathing, agility, stamina, pitch, tone, resonance, etc. And then, when you go to your songs, hopefully a lot of this technique will start to fall into place and you don’t have to think about it so much!
My weekly newsletter is full of tips, tricks and singing resources to support you on your singing journey. Let’s be inbox friends!